
Research Areas and Projects

Relationship between resistance drift coefficient and temperature in Ge2Sb2Te5 line-cells.

Characterization of Resistance Drift in Phase Change Memory

  • Characterization of resistance drift in amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 line-cells in cryogenic temperatures.

  • Effect of photo-excitation on resistance drift in amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 line-cells.

  • Stopping of resistance drift in phase change memory devices with application of high electrical field.

Toggle operation in multi-contact phase change devices utilizing thermal crosstalk with application of consecutive write pulses.

Device Modeling

  • Modeling of multi-contact phase change logic devices (flip-flop and multiplexer) and effect of scaling.

  • Modeling the effect of nucleation on resistance drift in phase change memory devices

  • Performance enhancement of n-channel MOSFET

  • Modeling of a bimorph temperature sensor

SEM images of line-cells fabricated at lithography limit to achieve random connectivity.

Hardware Security

  • Engineering nano-scale devices for hardware security applications like physical unclonable function (PUF).